Appetite driven Autumn has arrived

Because Autumn is the season of appetite, allow me to introduce an event in September, the Takasaki Sweets Festival 2017.
Location : Takasaki Motenashi Hiroba
Time : Saturday, November 4th, 2017. 10AM to 3PM
This event takes places once a year and will be the fourth year this time around. During the first year in 2014, there were an estimated 6,000 guests. In 2015 it was an estimated 7,000. Each year the event grows bigger with roughly 50 shops participating.
Most appealing is how each shop puts out a \100($1) item, letting you sample different flavors from Japanese confectioners, European confectioners, and bakeries. Or you can take part in their short lessons teaching you how to make their sweets.
Amongst those participating in the event, my personal favorite is the Japanese confectioner “Rokurou,” and their bean rice steamed buns. They’re so easy to eat I always end up buying a bag full. This year they will be selling their two bun pack, which usually sells for \260, for just \100. If you’ve never tried their buns I would highly recommend this as a great chance to!
From Aqua
Struggling with my Aprilia

Busy though I am as always, my motorcycle habits, once thought of as a part of my everyday life, have been pushed to a mere hobby for the weekends. Still, I pass my days now without injury and have been nurturing the warmth within my family.
So… I’d been avoiding it, but my battery is shot. I jumped it with my tractor but the temperature gauge is not responding to anything I do. There looks to be a faulty weld, so I decided to open the head cover and take a look at the sensor.
To get to the head cover I just have to take off the tank cover, but in taking the tank cover off something makes an audible *crack* like a breaking piece of plastic. The base of the cover cracked in two. The Italian plastic proved quite weak.

Putting the tank cover repairs off until next time, I decided to go after the sensor, and sure enough the point of connection was barely hanging on. Tightening it on with a pair of pliers and firing up the engine, the display turns on like nothing ever happened.
Still, the tank cover is a bummer.
Next time I can work on that I suppose.
Still some fun left in it after all.
All you can eat pizza
Isn't food just wonderful.
An update from me who finds happiness in delicious food.
This time I would like to introduce you to an Italian restaurant here in Takasaki called "Pata-te" that has all you can eat pizza.
First and foremost, it’s all you can eat pizza!!
Here we have a soft Napoli style of pizza. The staff steadily bring fresh cooked pizza of 15 different variation right to your table. The flavors range from the famous margarita to stranger flavors like okonomiyaki or chocolate sauce. Personally, I always end the meal with a dessert style pizza, that way I can keep eating until one shows up!
But at this restaurant it’s not just pizza.
Most of the courses include: all you can eat pizza + a main dish (pasta or risotto) + soup or salad + a drink, making for a thoroughly satisfying meal.
I think it’s safe to say all you can eat pizza is popular in Gunma Prefecture, but visitors from outside are often surprised. Next time you have a chance to visit Gunma, be sure to take part in our culture of flour and try some all you can east pizza.
From Creampuff Fingers
I was thinking
I was thinking, even if I don’t have any hobbies, my world expands whenever I research things that catch my attention. I was thinking, as the days go by, if I don’t give my attention to the little things, years go by in an instant.
Looking through my pictures for something to write about I ran across some from when we went to watch airplanes take off and land after an airport tour.

“Ah! A Star Wars painted airplane!” I was thinking as I took the picture on the left. Watching my son try his best to watch the landing planes through mounted binoculars, I was thinking how glad I was that we came. I was thinking, I could probably learn a thing or two from him.
Three flavors of festival

I made it once again. Saturday August 5th, Rockin’ Japan @ Hitachi Kaihin Park.
Each year I drink too much and over heat at this particular event, but this year it was a cool day and I had a sore throat so I skipped the drinking, letting me enjoy the festival to its fullest.
In September I’ll be attending the New Acoustic Camp at the Mizugami Kougen Resort, and Mountaineer’s Music Festival at the Maebashi Green Dome for two weekends of back to back fun. The days are cooler now, and my health is back, so I’ll be treating the music as a side-dish while I enjoy my drinks.
My regular Dragon Quest report
As of July 29th Dragon Quest 11 went on sale. Dragon Quest 10 is an online game, but 11 is offline like all previous versions before 10. Dragon Quest 10 is now up to version 3.5, which I’ve more or less cleared, with version 4 coming out November 16th, so I planned to see how far I could get in 11 between now and then, but 10 is so funny I haven’t been playing 11 at all. Because 11 is an offline game I’ll just play it at my own pace I guess.
By the way it looks like I’ll be graduating Monster Hunter XX without any real “finish” as there really is no end…
From Naotyn